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Thursday, 4 October 2012

Pictures at an exhibition - part 12

Somewhere in a bed, in a sleeper carriage, on a train, passing through the jungles of Thailand by night...that's where you'll find me. Strangely enough, there's no wi-fi on these railways, so here's one I prepared earlier...

[There was a poor turnout for National Pat A Koala On The Bum Day.]

[The difference between Ainsdale and Bondi.]

[James and Tim spot the price of half a pint of mild in downtown Melbourne.]

[I thought it said 'Smedley'.]

[The preachers of the coolest gospel on the planet, dude!]

[Did Tim save the butterfly from being run over or did the butterfly save Tim from a boring walk?]

[It buys half a pint of mild.]

[National Australian Bank...or "nab"...not the best abbreviation for somewhere that stores your money.]

[Time for our regular feature of What is Tim in? Answers on a postcard...]

[The biggest representation of worldwide capitalist megalomania besides a Macdonalds logo.]

[The Grayboys' motto in Aisa.]

[The free shuttle from Hat Yai to Krabi - see you there!]

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